Technical Committee 1


Aims and Scope of TC1

TC1 membership

TC1 Working Groups

WG 1.02: Descriptional Complexity

WG 1.03: Foundations of System Specification

WG 1.05: Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems

WG 1.06: Rewriting

WG 1.07: Theoretical Foundations of Security Analysis and Design

WG 1.08: Concurrency Theory

WG 1.09/2.15: Verified Software

WG 1.10: String Algorithmics & Applications

TC1 Reports

Activity reports

TCS Conferences

TCS 2014, Rome

Past TCS Conferences


IFIP main site

Technical Committee 1: Foundations of Computer Science

Working Group 1.07 : Theoretical Foundations of Security Analysis and Design

Chair : Sebastian Alexander Mödersheim

Vice-chair : Véronique Cortier

Secretary : Luca Viganò

Past-Chair : Riccardo Focardi

Home page:

Last modification: February 2022